2021 - 2022 Board of Directors

These proven leaders reflect the core values of AMA Hawai’i and are instrumental in shaping the future of the chapter.


Taryn Bohan headshot

Taryn Bohan


Megan Tabata headshot

Megan Tabata

President-Elect & DEI Director

Annette Lee headshot

Annette Lee

Immediate Past President / Past President Council, Chair

Emily Wada headshot

Emily Wada


Ryan Trujillo headshot

Ryan Truillo

Board at Large


Gordon Tom headshot

Gordon Tom

Finance, VP

Ryan Inouye headshot

Ryan Inouye


Jennifer Eggers headshot

Jennifer Eggers

Revenues Director

Vivian Fung headshot

Vivian Fung

Sponsorship, Director (Retention)

Chris Kelley headshot

Chris Kelly

Sponsorship, Director (Recruitment)


Therese Howe headshot

Therese Howe

Membership, VP

Laura Young headshot

Laura Young

Membership, Director (Retention)


Jo Wong headshot

Jo Wong

Programming, VP

Taylor Ursulum headshot

Taylor Ursulum

Programming, Director

Janelle Sanqui headshot

Janelle Sanqui

Programming, Support


Jessica Yamamoto headshot

Jessica Yamamoto

Social Media, Director

Jared Domingo headshot

Jared Domingo

Email, Director

Michael Lum headshot

Michael Lum

Digital Communications, Director

Anna Fong headshot

Anna Fong

Website, VP

Jonathan Zane headshot

Jonathan Zane

Creative Design, VP

Pacific Marketing Conference

Chelsea Tsuchida headshot

Chelsea Tsuchida

Conference, VP

Ashley Yonamine headshot

Ashley Yonamine

Conference, Director

Lauren Freitas headshot

Lauren Freitas

Conference, Marketing Director

Community Outreach

Catherine Coleman headshot

Catherine Coleman

Communities, VP

Altagracia Falvey headshot

Alty Falvey

Alliances, Director

Faye Miguel headshot

Faye Miguel

Collegiate Relations, VP

Open Positions

Membership Director (Recruitment)

Programming Director

Please contact aloha@amahawaii.org if you are interested in joining our board.